Submit Your Protocol and Music on this page.

Please do not email your music or your protocol. All files will need to be submitted using these forms. Music files should be .mp3 and document files should be .pdf.

Out of Town Music

Please use the button below to submit your Out of Town Music File. File should be .mp3, and you should have tested it prior to uploading. Music is not to exceed 5 minutes in length.

Reigning Monarchs will be first on the Line-up, followed by reigning ICPRs (or equivalent).

OOT Music

Coronation Protocol

Please submit your Court or Organization’s Protocol using the button below. The document should be in .pdf form and font should be no less than 16. Please spell names phonetically for accurate announcement.

Please stick to the 3 name, one title rule.


Command/Anniversary Music

Please use the button below to submit your Out of Town Music File. File should be .mp3, and you should have tested it prior to uploading. Music is not to exceed 5 minutes in length.

Please also submit your Dedication/Introduction in the same form you upload your music to.

Command Music