Family Courts

Family Courts are identified through establishment, early monarch declarations, or proclamations. They may often be used to complete requirements of titles in an active reign or to qualify for a title.

Mother Court

Silver Dollar Court – Reno, NV

Established as our Mother Court when they created the Barany and subsequently the IRSCDEI. Attending their coronation each year is a major requirement and qualification for most titles.

Brother Courts to the IRSCDEI

International Imperial Court of Long Beach – Long Beach, CA

Proclaimed by Empress 21 Taylor Trash and Emperor 21 Alex Brooks-Gray

Imperial Sovereign Court of New Mexico – Albuquerque, NM

Proclaimed by Exalted Emperor 24 DWonno Catch

Sister Courts to the IRSCDEI

United Courts of Austin, Inc – Austin, TX

Declared by Baroness 1 and Serene Empress 1 DeShannon Halston Christie Jewel

Extended Family Courts

The IRSCDEI is Proclaimed as a Brother Court to:

The Imperial Sovereign Court of New Mexico – Albuquerque, NM

By Queen Mother 1 Emperor 20 / Empress 23 Seliah DeLeon
(NOTE: any Las Vegas Active Member in good standing who attends and walks at a New Mexico Coronation, starting with Reign 24!, will be given Lifetime Citizenship to the ISCNM.)

The IRSCDEI is Proclaimed as a Sister Court by:

The Imperial Court of Arizona – Phoenix, AZ

by Emperor 1 Steve LaFata